- description Kent Test 3
- description Long Presentation Names
- description Content Thumbnails
- description Content Size
- description Can I have More than One User with the Same Email Address?
- description Bulk Operation
- description Windows Synchronization Frequency
- description Login and Sync Issues using Engager for Windows
- description Engager for Windows Manual
- description Call History on Windows
- description Login and Sync Issues with iPad
- description iPad Synchronization Frequency
- description Forgot Password
- description Engager for iPad Manual
- description Call History on iPad
- description What is the Agnitio Framework?
- description Presentation Freezing while Downloading/Syncing
- description Languages Supported by Engager and Mobilizer
- description Is there a Native Player for PDF Content?
- description Is it Possible to make a Swipe Directly Back to the First Slide or Back to Menu?
- description Is it Possible to Jump to a Different Slide when Clicking in a Presentation on the iPad?
- description Is it Possible to Access an iPad's Camera from within a Presentation?
- description Is it Important to Optimize Images?
- description Is it Best Practice to Favor CSS 3 Animations over JavaScript?
- description I am a Developer and am Creating Presentations in HTML 5-- I have some questions about coding for Agnitio. Who can I Contact?
- description How to Code a Free Text Field Data to then be Captured?
- description How do We Code to be Able to Save Data from a Presentation?
- description How do I Enable the Pinch Zoom for Presentations?
- description Does the Engager allow a GPS Tracking Function?
- description Does Agnitio Provide the Outgoing Email or must an Email Server and Credentials be Provided?