iOS, Windows, and Android will support the 2 most recent major operating system versions prior to the current major version
Web Release
September 30th, 2024
File Insights: File Insights provide invaluable information for content publishers, allowing them to gain a deep understanding of how their customer-facing teams engage with content. The platform offers a comprehensive set of metrics and analytics embedded directly in the file details, empowering content owners and sales teams to make informed decisions about their content strategy without running complex reports. Here's a breakdown of the key features
Internal Usage Metrics:
- Views: Track the frequency of file access by sales representatives.
- Time Viewed: Understand the duration of engagement with each file.
- Shares: Monitor how often files are shared within the team or externally.
- Downloads: Measure the popularity of downloadable content.
Engagement Analytics:
- Aggregate Share Data: Understand how many times a file was viewed when shared.
- Share Type Count: Analyze the total count of each share type (email, link, DSR).
- Total Likes: Measure the overall approval and interest in specific content.
- Total Downloads: Track the overall popularity and accessibility of downloadable content.
- Custom Date ranges allow users to view content trends at specific time intervals across the life-cycle of a file.
Internal Usage Metrics:
- Page Template Updates - Tabs: When using the ‘move’ function for a file in a page template containing tabs, an additional menu hierarchy level has been added that displays the list of tabs. File → Tabs → File groups. This will allow a user to move files between any tab’s file group(s) by navigating through the menu
- Page Template Updates - Tabs: Improvements made when sharing a page template that uses tabs so that when a user shares a page template from any ‘global’ location (e.g. Search / from the Share button at the top of the template), the Share modal includes all shareable files from all tabs in the page.
Security and login updates: Additional settings have been added to the ‘manage DNS alias’ page found in Platform Configuration > Security > DNS. Admins will now be able to enable a setting to use the new Bigtincan Access Login by default. Admins also have a new field allowing them to add custom text to a section of the login page “Trouble signing in?” to give users personalized guidance on common authentication troubleshooting tactics.
- As a part of the updates to the login page the Image on the left hand side of the login modal is being removed from the platform.
Template Dashboard updates: Added pagination to the template lists for an improved navigation experience.
Web Release
September 9th, 2024
- Pitch Builder: Improvements to the Add Files modal in Pitch Builder. We’ve removed irrelevant icons (blocked, and download status) and improved the hint text informing users that files can not be re-ordered when creating a Pitch.
- Drive sync: Added support for the description field from Drive files. The description field will be displayed in the File Details modal and will be indexed for search.
- Languages: Added support for Greek language
Web Release
August 19th, 2024
Improvements to Digital Sales Rooms
- Create a Copy of a Digital Sales Room: Users can copy an existing Digital Sales Room to easily create a new Room. The Room title, description, image, Files, and file sections will all be copied into the new Room. Custom settings, CRM details, and people invited to the previous Room will not be copied to the new Room.
- Changes to the Edit Room workflow: The “Room Details” button is changing to “Edit Room”. This menu now allows users to select Appearance, Settings, Make a Copy, or Expire Room.
- Files will now be blocked from being added to a Digital Sales Room until processing is complete to avoid failed conversions being added to a Room.
Improvements to Templates
- The Text Block in Form Templates now supports text formatting. Bold, Italic, Underline, Text Colors, Background Colors, Bulleted lists, Numbered lists, and Hyperlinks are now supported in the Text Block.
Improvements to Search
- Custom search experiences built using BTCA files or Custom Home Screens will no longer result in Channel, Story, or File IDs being displayed in the recent Search list for users in the default Search experience.
Web Release
July 29th, 2024
- Added language support for Urdu
- Improved the behavior for files in the processing state that now blocks users from opening the files instead of displaying an error message.
- Page Templates: Increased the maximum number of Tabs supported in a Page Template from 8 to 15 Tabs.
- Share Details: Support for viewing files shared in emails and links from the Share Details page.
Web Release
July 8th, 2024
- Files published from Drive in Content Hub Stories and Page Templates now have support for the ‘Future Publish Date’, ‘Active/Inactive’, and ‘Expiration Date’ file metadata fields from Drive.
- When publishers are editing a Story or Page Template in the Content Hub they will now see attributes associated with files published from Drive indicating that they are associated with the Story or Page Template, but they are not currently visible to end users when viewing in the platform.
- Hovering over these attributes will give additional information to the publisher explaining when the file will be live or why it is currently not available.
- These attributes are managed in Drive and can not be edited from the Content Hub application.
- To further align Classic Stories to modern Page Templates and to remove some of the congested UI issues that are encountered with non-live files, tags will no longer be shown on the Story ‘edit’ view.
- We've made a few minor updates to the Access Forms Dashboard
- The default order for Forms in the Access Forms Dashboard is now set on the created date and sorted from Newest > Oldest. Forms can be manually sorted by each column in the dashboard.
- When restoring an archived Form users are now taken to the edit view for that Form instead of the Dashboard so they can easily manage the Form that is no longer archived.
- We’re updating the behavior for all shares (emails, links, and rooms) so that the shares automatically expire when a user is removed/deleted from the system so the content they’ve shared is no longer available for external viewers.
iOS 5.19.1 Release
June 20th, 2024
- Added support for Page Templates with Tabs on iOS devices
Web Release
June 11th, 2024
- We've made several significant updates to Page Templates, enhancing both their functionality and usability. These improvements are designed to streamline your workflow and provide you with more flexibility and control over your pages.
- Sharing across multiple File Widgets: While working in a Page Templates, users can now select files from multiple File Widgets and share them by selecting the share icon in any of the File Widgets. This action will share all of the selected files on the Page.
- Adding ‘more options’ button to File Widgets: The more options button allows users to take bulk actions such as ‘Open all’, ‘Download all’, ‘Share all’, and ‘Add to Room’, on all files in the widget.
- Introducing Page Template Tabs: A new type of Page Template allows publishers more flexibility when it comes to organizing content in their Page. Publishers can add up to 8 tabs in a Page, and each tab will have all of the same widgets that the primary tab contains. Publishers can give these tabs a title and choose to enable or disable any of the widgets on each tab that they need.
- We've rolled out several updates to our sharing capabilities, making it easier and more efficient to share your content. These enhancements are aimed at improving collaboration and ensuring a seamless experience when working with others. Dive into the details to learn about the new features and improvements we've implemented.
- Auto-update files in Digital Sales Rooms: A new admin setting in Platform Configuration > Sharing > Room Defaults allows administrators to enable the feature. This setting keeps files in sync across the source location and Digital Sales Rooms. If Auto-update is enabled, files that are updated in a Story are also updated real-time in all Digital Sales Room’s that they are shared, without the Room Owner needing to take an action. The new ‘updated date’ will be displayed in the Share Console and Room Owners will receive an email & in-app notification informing them which file was updated.
- Notify Room Owners when files are updated in their Rooms: As mentioned above, there is a new notification email for files that are Auto-updated in Digital Sales Rooms.
- View files in the Share Console: While viewing the ‘Manage Content’ tab of a Digital Sales Room in the Share Console, users will now be able to click on the File title and view the version of the File that is shared in the Room. If Auto-update is enabled, this will always be the active version of the file in a Story, however if Auto-update is not enabled, then this will be the version of the file that viewers have access to in the Room.
- Return ‘Leads’ from CRM: When searching in the ‘To’ field while sending an Email users will now be able to see CRM Leads. Previously only CRM Contacts were listed in this section.
- Hidden files keep their position in DSRs: When a Room Owner ‘hides’ a file in their Digital Sales Room, it previously was moved to the bottom of the section it was added to. Now, that hidden file will remain in its previous location, so users can unhide the file without having to re-order the content in their Room.
- We've made a minor update to the Access Forms Dashboard
- Added an ‘Owner’ column to the Access Forms Dashboard making it easier to see who owns which Access Form without having to enter the edit view for that Form.
iOS 5.19.0 Release
May 21st, 2024
- Search & Filter in the Share Console
- Adds the ability to search your previously created Emails, Links, and Rooms by Share Title
- Filters allow further refinement of these Search results. Filter by:
- Type (All/Email/Link/Room)
- Supports multiple selections (e.g. having 2 types selected)
- Status (All/Active/Expired)
- Date (Date Picker)
- Type (All/Email/Link/Room)
- Search Page improvements to match Web
- Moving the ‘page’ results into the file results list (EG: view 5 matches in file)
- Adding support for results found in multiple locations
- SearchAI Improvements
- Adds links to sources
- Adds support for icon types
- Adds support for multiple opportunities in Digital Sales Rooms
- Users can now link a single Room to multiple opportunities allowing them to maintain a single source of information for buyers while opportunities for upsell, expansion, and new growth are linked to ensure your CRM has accurate deal details.
- Allows shareable weblinks to be opened in Safari using the native ‘open in’ capability
- A new capability in the more options menu allows users to open weblinks in Safari if the link is published in the Story as a shareable file.
- Introducing a new behavior to open the top navigation menu in the file viewer - double tap
- Users will still be able to use the existing ‘swipe down’ & ‘swipe up’ actions to expand or collapse the top file navigation menu.
- Users will now be able to double tap anywhere on the screen while viewing a file to expand or collapse the top navigation menu.
- Improvements to file count display - Added file count in list view and displaying 0 when no files are in a story
Web Release
April 9th, 2024
- Introducing the Form Dashboard & custom Access Forms!
- Custom Access Forms are a powerful tool for creating personalized experiences tailored to your customers when accessing shared content. Unlike generic authentication interfaces, custom Access Forms serve as a strategic gateway that gathers critical information about your customers relevant to the sales process.
- The Form Dashboard is not restricted to Administrators and can be enabled for any user in Configuration Bundles. If you enable the Form Dashboard for a configuration bundle all users within that bundle will be able to create and manage custom Access Forms in the Form Dashboard.
- When creating Forms the Email field is required at this time.
- For full details please refer to the user guide here:
- New Feature - Download shared files as PDFs
- When files are added to a share, users can enable a setting “Download as PDF” which converts supported document types to PDF when the viewer downloads them from the Share Portal. These files will remain in their original format for viewing in the Share Portal. This ensures that viewers can download a copy of the files shared, but that they are in a more secure document format that can not be easily edited or manipulated.
- The ‘Download as PDF’ feature can be enabled for users by Administrators in Configuration Bundle settings. Admins can also determine whether ‘Download as PDF’ is active by default for users with the setting enabled in their Configuration Bundle in Platform Configuration > Sharing > Sharing settings.
- When selected by default, any user with the Configuration Bundle setting enabled will have the setting turned on for every Share they create, these users will still be able to disable the setting manually when creating a Share.
- For full details please refer to the user guide here:
- Pitch Builder improvements: Choose save location
- When users are saving a file created using Pitch Builder they now have the option to choose between creating a new Story or saving to an existing Story that they have publish permissions in.
- Protected Accounts
- A new setting has been added to User Profiles that allows administrators to designate an account as ‘protected’. Protected Accounts are typically used by external systems (such as BIS) and may not be recognized by all admins, so we’ve added an extra layer of security so admins don’t inadvertently edit/change/delete these critical accounts.
- When editing a user in Platform Configuration > Users > All Users > Edit User or creating a new user Admins will see a new setting called “Protected Account” select the check box to enable the setting for this user.
- When editing a Protected Account the administrator will see an additional step informing them that they are trying to edit a protected account. The admin must type the word ‘confirm’ into the text box to move forward with editing that user's profile.
- Admins can not remove a Protected Account from a Group without editing the user’s profile and typing in the word confirm
- New configuration bundle setting added for Digital Sales Rooms
- We’ve added 'can edit room expiry date' as a config bundle setting for Digital Sales Rooms which allows users to edit the default expiration date set for Digital Sales Rooms in the Platform Configuration > Sharing > Sharing settings page
- Page Template Dashboard design updates
- The Page Template Dashboard has been updated to match the look and feel of the Form Dashboard
- Share Console added to the Main Navigation Menu
- A new icon for the Share Console has been added to the Main Navigation Menu. Currently users have to navigate to the “Me” page where they can see their recent Shares and access the Share Console. Now they will be able to get to the Share Console from the Main Navigation Menu for easier access.
The Share Console can be placed anywhere in the menu by admins and is included in the Custom Navigation Order menu found in Platform Configuration > General > Navigation
Windows 5.12.0 Release
March 18th, 2024
- New Pitch Builder workflow: File Customization Settings
The new File Customization Settings give publishers control over which files are allowed to be used in Pitch Builder, regardless of the file’s share status. These settings control whether a file is added to Pitch Builder without the ability to re-order or remove pages from the File, so it maintains its integrity when being used to create a Pitch.
Files that have a share status of Optional or Mandatory today will have ‘Allow file to be added to Pitch Builder’ enabled by default. No files will have ‘Prevent reordering and editing of file’ enabled unless manually changed by content publishers.
When ‘Prevent reordering and editing of file’ is enabled for files, the ability to ‘Add Page to Pitch Builder” for pages within that file will be disabled in the File action menu, and in the Search Results page.
When a file with ‘Prevent reordering and editing of file’ enabled is added to Pitch Builder users will see a clear indication that the file can not be edited or reordered. Users will not be able to drag pages from other files into the file section. Users will be able to drag the entire file into a different section of the new Pitch they are creating. New sections can be added before or after the restricted files section as well.
- Drafts added to Pitch Builder: Changes made to a Pitch are now saved when users leave the app, allowing them to come back at any time and pick up where they left off.
- The sort function found in the Windows Story View offers an option to sort by Date Modified, previously this has used the ‘Date Created’ field as the Date Modified was not available, now the Sort function is updated to use the correct Date Modified value.
Web Release
February 26th, 2024
- New log-in screen changes support multiple identity providers on a single log-in screen.
- For companies with multiple identity providers integrated with Content Hub for different user personas, all of your DNS Aliases will direct to a single login page where users will select their login flow. This allows users to access the appropriate identity management solution regardless of which DNS Alias then enter the Content Hub through.
- Users who have an active session will be redirected to the file or location within the app, bypassing the login workflow.
- If you’re interested in using the Multi-IDP login screen please reach out to your Account Manager, Support, or Customer Success representative.
- For companies with multiple identity providers integrated with Content Hub for different user personas, all of your DNS Aliases will direct to a single login page where users will select their login flow. This allows users to access the appropriate identity management solution regardless of which DNS Alias then enter the Content Hub through.
- The DNS Alias page in Platform Configuration > Security > DNS has two new fields associated with each DNS Alias for Button label and Description.
- The Button label is a mandatory field, in the screenshot above you’ll see the example “Non US Distributors”. This label will be pre-populated with the DNS Alias text if the administrator does not add a Button label.
- The description text is an optional field, in the screenshot above you’ll see the example ”3rd Party Distributors”.
- Digital Sales Room enhancements
- Users now have the option to manage the ‘include access form’ setting after a Digital Sales Room has been created. This allows users to include or exclude the Access Form at any time while the Room is active.
- The ‘Notify viewers that a Room has been updated’ email template has been updated to reflect better which Digital Sales Room the viewer is being notified about.
iOS 5.18.0 Release
February 21st, 2024
- Digital Sales Rooms - Create & Edit rooms on iOS devices
- When creating a Share on iOS devices users can select ‘Room’, which allows them to create a Digital Sales Room. Creating a Digital Sales Room on iOS devices provides the same functionality as the Web App & the default share option from the configuration bundle (email, link, or room) is enforced.
- After creating a Room on iOS devices users will be brought to the Room details page to manage the content associated with their Digital Sales Room.
- SearchAI is now available on iOS
- Ask questions and get AI-assisted answers and summaries from the content you have permission to access in Hub.
- Want to try SearchAI?
- Ask your Customer Success or Account Manager today.
- Added new icons to differentiate file published through the Google Drive integration
- Google Slides, Docs, and Sheets will now be clearly distinguished from Microsoft file types.
Web Release
February 12th, 2024
Page Template enhancements
- A new share status icon is added to Page Templates so users can easily understand which files are blocked from being shared outside of the platform.
- Adding default settings for Widgets
- All Widgets: Ability to set the default view status as Expanded/Collapsed for any widget
- File Widget: Ability to set Grid or List view as the default view mode for each File Widget
- File Widget: Ability to set the default number of rows displayed in a file widget for each view mode
- Grid View: The system default is 2 rows. Files will auto-fill the number of rows available. Max rows for grid view is 6.
- List View: The system default is 5 rows. List view can be set to increments of 1 with 5 being the minimum and 25 being the maximum.
Web Release
February 7th, 2024
- Digital Sales Room enhancements
- The limit of 1000 characters has been removed from the Digital Sales Room description field.
- Notification Improvements: Room owners now have the ability to customize notification preferences for every Digital Sales Room they create. Notification options are configurable for email and in-app delivery. Users can choose whether they receive notifications when Viewers access a Room, when Viewers like files, and when Viewers download files. They can also choose whether to send external notifications to viewers when Content is updated, when Content is added, and when Content is deleted.
- External users have the option to opt-in or opt-out of receiving these notifications.
- Room owners can now see a Room viewer’s notification status. On the People page in the Digital Sales Room dashboard, a new icon indicates if viewers have disabled email notifications for this Room.
- Email Templates added for Digital Sales Room notification customization.
- Admins can access Digital Sales Room notifications from Platform Configuration > Email > Templates and use the drop-down menu to find the email template for notifications when a Room is being viewed, when a user likes or downloads a file, and the external notification when content in the Room is updated.
- Page Template enhancements - Adding new actions to the File Widget
- Adding the ability to search within a file widget for files by title.
- Adding the ability to sort within a file widget. Users can sort files by Title, Share Status, File type, File size, Date modified, or Default which is the custom order created by the Publisher.
- Adding support for multi-select support and bulk actions on files within a file widget. Users can select multiple files within a file widget to open, download, share, or add to a Digital Sales Room.
- SearchAI enhancements - Adding filetype labels and default icons to the Relevant documents list in SearchAI results.
Outlook Release
February 6th, 2024
- Log shares to Microsoft Dynamics (for customers using Microsoft Dynamics)
- While attaching content to the emails via the Bigtincan add-in for Outlook, the users have the option to link it to an opportunity, and get the share activity logged into Microsoft Dynamics.
- Users can search for the desired opportunity by querying by Opportunity name and the matching opportunities are presented displaying the name and the stage of the opportunity.
- Users must have connected their Dynamics account to their Bigtincan Content Hub account to be able to use this feature.
- Preview option when browsing files
- Users can now preview files before attaching the files via the browse section, using the “View file” button with each file. The preview file feature was already available in the recommended files and the file search results, and now has also been included in the browse section.
Web Release
January 16th, 2024
- Digital Sales Room enhancements
- Notification Improvements: File Update notifications to Room Viewers
- Notification Management: Opt-in & Opt-out of notifications for Room Viewers
- When a viewer accesses a Digital Sales Room there is a new setting in the Access Form which allows the viewer to determine whether they want to receive email notifications for File Updates in the Digital Sales Room.
- This setting is enabled by default in the Access Form
- When a viewer accesses a Digital Sales Room there is a new setting in the Access Form which allows the viewer to determine whether they want to receive email notifications for File Updates in the Digital Sales Room.
- Room viewers have the option to change this setting at any time in the Digital Sales Room portal.
- Viewers who Opt-in to notifications will receive an email when Files are added, removed, or updated in the Digital Sales Room. The email notification informs the recipient which files have been affected and provides a link so they can easily access the Room from the email.
- This email template can be edited by Administrators in Platform Configuration > Email > Templates.
- Pitch Builder Updates - Save as PDF
- Users now how the option to choose between PPT and PDF formats when saving a file from Pitch Builder