When a file is added to a share, users can enable a setting “Download as PDF” which converts supported document types to PDF when the viewer downloads them from the Share Portal. These files will remain in their original format for viewing in the Share Portal. This ensures that viewers can download a copy of the files shared, but that they are in a more secure document format that can not be easily edited or manipulated.
How it works:
The ‘Download as PDF’ feature can be enabled for users by Administrators in Configuration Bundle settings. Admins can also determine whether ‘Download as PDF’ is active by default for users with the setting enabled in their Configuration Bundle in Platform Configuration > Sharing > Sharing settings.
When selected by default, any user with the Configuration Bundle setting enabled will have the setting turned on for every Share they create, these users will still be able to disable the setting manually when creating a Share.
Configuration Bundle Setting
Admin Default Setting
For users who have ‘Download as PDF’ enabled in their Configuration Bundle, if a PPT document (or other supported document type) is included in a Share that has the ‘Download as PDF’ setting enabled, then viewers would see a PPT version of that document in the Share Portal with all its original formatting, transitions, and PPT specific behaviors. When that viewer downloads the PPT document from the Share Portal a PDF version will be downloaded instead.
NOTE: If files are added or updated in a Share that has ‘Download as PDF’ enabled, those files will have PDF versions generated for the download action in the Share Portal.
In a Digital Sales Room, the ‘Download as PDF’ setting can be enabled or disabled at any time. When enabled, all files that are supported will have PDF versions generated for the download action in the Share Portal. When the ‘Download as PDF’ setting is disabled, the original file format will be downloaded in the Share Portal.
NOTE: This setting only affects files downloaded from the Share Portal, files downloaded from authenticated users in the app will always download the original file format.
Some file types, such as Videos, can not be converted to PDFs, a full list of supported file types that can be converted is included below.
Word97 (i.e. old, binary format Microsoft Word)
WordML (i.e. current, XML-based Microsoft Word)
Text (.txt)
Various image formats (bmp, jpeg, jpeg2000, png, gif, tiff)