How can I allow Group Managers to create new users?

Any existing users with the role of Company Administrator, Learning Administrator, or Learning Manager have the ability to add new users to their company portal. If you have a manager who you wish to give the ability to create new users but do not need them to have any of the three roles listed above, they should first be made Group Managers of an existing user group. Once this is done, Company Administrators can allow them to only add new users to the group(s) they manage through a pre-determined set of permissions and privileges.

To start, you'll first need to create a new user 'template' that Group Managers will use as a preset when creating new users. This template user would not be used by any members of your organization, but rather as a 'placeholder' that future users will be molded from and be given their permissions from. 

To add a new user template:

  1. Log into your Company Administrator account and navigate to your Administration tools.
  2. Click Add User from the 'Users' card (see below):
  3. Enter a unique username in the provided field (i.e. "NewUserTemplate" or "").
    • Note: The username you enter here will not be duplicated when managers create new users with this template. This will be replaced with the user's email address by default once a new profile is created for them.
  4. Mark the Generate new password and notify user immediately checkbox.
  5. Enter in a first and last name to be used for this template.
    • Note: This first and last name will be replaced by the new user's actual name once they're created.
  6. Enter in a primary email address to be used as a placeholder.
  7. Update any additional fields you'd like all new users to be given automatically upon creation (Department, Company Name, etc.).
  8. Assign the appropriate user properties and permissions all new users will be given.
  9. Click Continue once completed.
  10. On the next page, assign any individual folder permissions to this template, then click Continue to proceed once finished.
  11. On the Groups page, assign this template to as many groups as needed.
  12. Click Submit to finalize your changes.

Now that we've created a user template, we then need to add this to the list of self-registration templates so new users can be created from it.

To add a user profile to your self-registration templates:

  1. Navigate to your Administration tools.
  2. Click Self Registration from the 'Advanced Options' card.
  3. Scroll down to the "Self-registration templates' section and click Add user profile.
  4. Search for your newly-created user template, then mark the checkbox next to its username and click Select.

Finally, we need to assign this template to one of your groups so that Group Managers can use this to create new users.

To assign a New User Template to a group:

  1. Navigate to your Administration tools.
  2. Click Manage Groups from the 'Groups' card.
  3. Search for the group you'd like to edit, then click the Actions button next to its description and select Profile.
  4. Use the New User Template dropdown menu to select your desired template, then click Continue.

Once these steps have been completed, any group managers listed in this group's profile will be able to use this template to create new users from by entering in the new user's email address and their first/last name. 

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