What is a Head Coach (Coaching Administrator)?

Head Coaches are otherwise known as 'Challenge Administrators' and act as an administrator solely for Brainshark Coaching. This is a user role that existing Company Administrators can grant to individual user profiles. With Head Coach permissions, the user profile will have full administrative access to modify, view, or download coaching submissions across the company account. 

A designated Head Coach has the same privileges as an Activity Creator, plus the additional privileges to edit, copy, or delete an activity created by any Activity Creator. When the Coaching role is assigned, the user automatically inherits the privileges of that role. 

Below is a table of various user roles in Brainshark Coaching and what each can and cannot do:



*Note: Head Coaches can only review an activity if they are listed as a reviewer or if they add themselves as a reviewer.

Additional Training 

Brainshark Roles and Privileges Guide

How do I grant Head Coach (Challenge Administrator) permissions to a user profile?





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