How do I Set Expiration Dates for Presentations?

If you need to restrict access to presentations after a certain date, content authors, Folder Administrators and Company Administrators can set an expiration date & time for the presentation.  Warning emails alerting users when a presentation is set to expire can also be configured.


To Set an Expiration for a Presentation:

  • Open the edit mode of the presentation
  • Click the Security tab
  • Check the box next to the setting, Set an expiration date
  • Enter an Expiration Date
  • Select the Expiration Time (Time is set to US Eastern Time)
  • Enter each email address (separate addresses with commas) that should receive the expiration warning.
  • Click the Save or Apply button to save your changes.


Additional Trainings 

How to Set Expiration Dates (Learning Courses)

How do I edit a Presentation Expiration Email?



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