How do I upload a video file created outside of Brainshark to a coaching activity as a participant?

When participating in the coaching activity, you may record your answer outside of Brainshark with a third-party application, then you can upload this recorded video to the coaching activity.

To upload the video to a course coaching:

  1. Navigate to your coaching course under My Enrollment in Learning.
  2. Then, click the Take Now button on the course thumbnail.
  3. Once you are on the overview screen, you can click Let's Go.

  4. ​On the next screen, you will be presented with the options how you would like to respond, and one of the options is Upload Video. To upload a video, select this option.

  5. You can drag and drop an existing video or click to choose a file to upload, as directed.
  6. Once you upload the video, you can review and submit it.

To upload the video to a stand alone coaching activity:

  1. Navigate to Coaching
  2. At the top of the page, select My Activities from the filter menu
  3. Click the Yellow Arrow under Completed Column
  4. Complete steps 3 through 6  listed under "To upload the video to a course coaching."

Additional Training

How To Participate in a Coaching Activity

As a coaching participant, how many chances do I have to complete the activity?

How to view your Coaching submission as a participant


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