Can I delete comments on Courses and Curriculums left by other students?

As a Company Administrator, you will be able to delete comments on Courses and Curriculums left by other users.

To delete comments left by students on Courses or Curriculums: 

  1. Click on Learning.
  2. Click on either My Enrollments if you are enrolled in the content already, or click Course Catalog if the course is open enrollment to locate the Course or Curriculum's "card".
    *Note: You may have to enroll yourself in the content in order to have the title card appear in the My Enrollments area if the content is set to Limited enrollment.
  3. Click the title of the Course or the Curriculum to have the content's title card appear.
  4. Click on the Comments area to have the dropdown menu appear.
  5. Click on the trash can icon to remove the specific comment from the title card.

Additional Training

How do I enroll users in a course or curriculum?

Why can't students see active courses with open enrollment in the course catalog?

As a Company Administrator, how can I find a specific course if Limited enrollment is enabled?


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