Each Brainshark company is provided with their own unique login URL link. At Brainshark, we refer to these company accounts as 'Sharkives'.
In some instances, organizations will create multiple Brainshark company accounts. This helps to organize users, and assists with reporting purposes. As a side note, the Brainshark Training site (https://www.brainshark.com/training) is also considered its own company Sharkive.
Only one Brainshark account may be logged in while under the same web browser. If multiple accounts are logged in to the same web browser, this can lead to misdirects and log-outs.
- We recommend assigning each Sharkive to a different web browser. For example, you could use your personal company Sharkive in Chrome, and reserve Firefox for the Training Sharkive.
- We also recommend using the specified Sharkive links to log in. If you navigate to the general *brainshark.com homepage, this search feature may only direct you to one of your login Sharkives.
- If you bookmark the Sharkive URL, please ensure to manually type in and edit the URL link to reflect the specified link. For example, if you bookmark the Training site, it would need to look like (https://www.brainshark.com/training) excluding parentheses.
- If you bookmark the preceding longer landing page URL, this can also lead to misdirects between used Sharkives.