Brainshark's Training site offers a wide variety of content to assist you with learning how to use Brainshark. You can access this site by going to
If you do not already have a Training site profile established, you will need to create a new free account. This will be a separate account from your main company account. To create an account, select the "create account" button under the forgot your password option and fill in the form.
Once complete, you will be able to log into the Training site to access resources to help you use Brainshark.
Note: you cannot be logged into two Brainshark sites in the same browser. We recommend using a separate browser from the one you use to access your company site when accessing the Training site or ensuring you are completely logged out of one account before accessing the other.
Relevant Articles and Training Videos
- Training Site Overview
- What are the best practices for logging into multiple company accounts (Sharkives)?
If you need additional assistance, please contact Support.