Overview: Brainshark uses basic SAML which has the ability to create an account upon login and set identified variables (If autocreate is enabled in Brainshark) . Once the account is created, any future updates in Azure do NOT update the user in Brainshark. Microsoft doesn't natively support sending a claim with the Manager of the user.
Access link to STAGING: https://staging.brainshark.com/CompanyName
Access link to PROD: https://www.brainshark.com/CompanyName
Steps to Enable Basic SAML in Microsoft Entra: https://entra.microsoft.com
- Add the Application:
- Log in to the Microsoft Entra admin center as a Cloud Application Administrator.
- Navigate to Identity > Applications > Enterprise applications > All applications.
- Click New application.
- Select Non-gallery application.
- Enter a name for the application "Brainshark" and click Add.
- Configure Single Sign-On:
- Select the newly added application.
- In the Manage section, select Single sign-on.
- Choose SAML.
- Edit Basic SAML Configuration:
- Click the Edit button under Basic SAML Configuration.
- Fill in the required fields:
Staging Environment
- Identifier (Entity ID): https://staging.brainshark.com/brainshark/brainshark.services.auth/
- Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL): https://staging.brainshark.com/brainshark/brainshark.services.auth/Saml2/Acs
- Sign on URL: https://staging.brainshark.com/brainshark/brainshark.services.auth/Saml2/Acs
Production Environment
- Identifier (Entity ID): https://www.brainshark.com/brainshark/brainshark.services.auth/
- Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL): https://www.brainshark.com/brainshark/brainshark.services.auth/Saml2/Acs
- Sign on URL: https://www.brainshark.com/brainshark/brainshark.services.auth/Saml2/Acs
Staging Environment
- Download Federation Metadata XML:
- Under SAML Certificates
- Verify the Notification Email is set to "UserID@Domain.com"
- click Download for Federation Metadata XML.
- Save this file for later use.
- Configure the Application:
- These Steps are performed by Brainshark support team
Additional Considerations:
- Attribute Mappings: If necessary, Brainshark can configure attribute mappings to map attributes from Microsoft Entra to Brainshark attributes.
- Signing Certificates: You may need to upload the Brainshark certificate to Microsoft Entra if you are requiring the Authn request to be signed. Brainshark always requires that the SAML responses are signed.
- Testing: After configuring SAML, test the integration to ensure it's working correctly.
Create Entra Security Groups
Azure/Entra Security Group | Brainshark Role | Object ID |
Application_Brainshark_Admin | Admin | |
Application_Brainshark_Manager | Manager | |
Application_Brainshark_User | User |
- For Testing - Assigned "User 1"
- For Testing - Assigned "User 2"
- For Testing - Assigned "User 3"
Add the Groups to the Brainshark Enterprise Application
- Navigate to Enterprise Application | Brainshark | Users and Groups
- Select Add user/group
- Select appropriate Groups
Attributes & Claims
Microsoft Documentation: Customize SAML token claims - Microsoft identity platform | Microsoft Learn
Video: Overview of group assignment and claims in Entra ID | Microsoft
- Claims Mapping Policy 5 minutes in
Add a group claim
Group claims are used to make authorization decisions to access a resource by an app or a service provider. To add group claims;
- Navigate to Enterprise Application | Brainshark | Single sign-on
- Edit "Attributes & Claims"
Add a Group Claim
- Select "Add a group claim"
- Select "Groups assigned to the application"
- Select Attribute: Group ID
TEST SUCCESS: https://staging.brainshark.com/CompanyName
Security Group | User | Brainshark Role | Connection |
Application_Brainshark_Admin | User 1 | Admin | SUCCESS |
Application_Brainshark_Manager | User 2 | Manager | SUCCESS |
Application_Brainshark_User | User 3 | User | SUCCESS |
NOT ASSIGNED To ABOVE GRP | User 4 | N/A | FAIL (Expected) |
Non-Provisioned User = Fail (Expected) this is good
2nd TEST
Security Group | User | Brainshark Role | Connection |
Application_Brainshark_Admin | User 1 | Admin | ADMIN |
Application_Brainshark_Manager | User 2 | Manager | MANAGER |
Application_Brainshark_User | User 3 | User | USER |
Pass Department and Manager Fields