End-User Experience - Profile Menu

The application also offers a menu for more personal use by the end-user, located in the Profile menu which can be access by navigating to the upper right hand corner and tapping on the user name: 


Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 1.06.55 PM.png

This section of the application houses the following features: 


  • View Profile: here, users can edit their registered name, their company, Job title, Bio, and Phone number.  Please note that email addresses are not editable by the user, and if they need to change it, they will need to contact their account administrator. 
  • My Presentations - users can view their in-app created presentations.  Please reference this Knowledge Base article for further details: Creating and Managing Presentations
  • My Favorites - users can see what assets have been favorited.  Please reference this Knowledge base for further details: Favoriting Assets
  • Settings - user can change their content groups and language selection
  • Help Center:  link to the Modus Knowledge Base, also found here.
  • If users have Media Manager access, they can tap on "Go To Media Manager" to be taken to the back-end tool. 
  • And finally, tap the "Log Out" button to log out of the application.  
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