The All Enrollments column may not necessarily equal the sum of the Completed and Incomplete columns as these columns will display totals according to the date range selected for the panel.
For example, If a date range of Last 90 days is selected and a student was enrolled in a course exactly 120 days ago but completed the course within the Last 90 days, that course will not count towards the All Enrollments total but will count towards the Completed total.
Interpreting the data requires knowing the date range and what metrics were used to populate the columns.
- The All Enrollments column tracks the number of enrollments for all activity types, grouped by enrollment date. Excludes self-enrollments.
- The Completed column tracks the number of completed enrollments for all activity types, grouped by completion date. Excludes self-enrollments.
- The Incomplete column tracks the number of incomplete enrollments for all activity types, grouped by enrollment date. Excludes self-enrollments.
- The Completion % columns tracks the percentage of enrollments with a completion date for all activity types.