How do I sync/update Scorecards data?

As a Company Administrator, Learning Administrator, Learning Manager, or Head Coach you can manually sync the data in Scorecards to ensure that the most up-to-date data is being shown. 

How often does the Scorecard data sync or get updated?

The data displayed in Scorecards is synced nightly. Any updates regarding completions, users, or groups would reflect in Scorecards after the next data sync. To see when your Scorecards page was last updated, you can scroll to the bottom of the Scorecards page and find the "Data as of" information listed or, if you see it, you can hover over the Refresh Icon


To manually sync Scorecards data:

  1. Click on the Scorecards tab in your account 
  2. In the top right corner of the Home page, click Refresh icon (see screenshot below)
    Note: If hover over over the Refresh Icon The date and time under Sync Data will display the last time the data was updated. The time is shown in 24 hour time. 

  3. This will begin the Sync 
  4. Once the Sync has completed, you can click on Refresh icon (now highlighted) to refresh the page and see the most current information (see screenshot below):
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