How do I see a list of courses in a curriculum in Scorecards?

If you are a user who has been granted access to Scorecards by your Company Administrator, you can see a list of courses in a curriculum in Scorecards.

The Curriculum breakdown by Course panel will display a breakdown of the courses and each user’s progress within the Curriculum. Note: At this time, the panel has not been made a default panel in the Curriculums page.  Users can manually add this panel through the "New Panel" option on the Curriculums page.


To view the Curriculum breakdown by Course panel:

On the User's page:

  • In the Teams tab, select Users.
  • Click on the user’s name or GoTo Scorecard button.
  • Navigate to the Curriculum breakdown by Course panel.
  • Click on the Curriculum name to display the courses listed which will display on the adjacent panel to the right.


On the Groups page:

  • In the Teams tab, select Groups.
  • Click on the Group name or View Scorecard button.
  • Navigate to the Curriculum breakdown by Course panel.
  • Click on the Curriculum name to display it’s courses as columns which will display on the adjacent panel to the right.


On the Curriculums page:

  • In the Activities tab, select Curriculums.
  • Click on the curriculum or View Scorecard button.
  • Click on the Layout Menu button (Three Vertical Ellipses).
  • Select New Panel.
  • In the Add Panel modal select Type of the Pick a report Dropdown
  • Click the Next button.
  • Click the Apply button.
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