How can I feature a presentation on the Content Portal Screen?

Presentations may be Featured as recommended content for your Brainshark users on the Content tab of your company's site. Only a Company Administrator can feature content or adjust any of the currently featured content. 


Please see the image below which highlights how featured content will appear:



To enable featured content from the Administration pages:

  1. Navigate to Administration
  2. Select Content from the left hand navigation. 
  3. Select Manage Content
  4. Search for the presentation that you would like to feature.
  5. Select toggle under the Feature column to feature the content. (Screen-shot below). 

     6. Once the toggle turns blue, this will confirm that it has been enabled. 


To feature content from the Content tab: 

  1. Locate the presentation that you'd like to feature.
  2. Select the 3 dots  (ellipses) toward the bottom right side of the presentation card.
  3. Select Add to Featured Content.


  • You cannot feature Brainshark Learning courses on the Content, only presentations.
  • If you have enabled the Hide Content from Search setting, this will prevent the Content from featuring on the Content tab.
  • The featured section can also now be hidden or re-named by a Company Administrator.

  • To enable featured content from the Administration pages you may need to maximize your screen to see this column. This setting disappears from view if the screen is minimized. 

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