An Enhanced Folder Administrator is a user who has the same abilities as a Folder Administrator plus the additional ability to edit content in folders that they have Folder Administrator permissions to. This is a site-wide setting that can only be requested by a Company Administrator.
To enable the Enhanced Folder Administrator functionality:
- A Company Administrator needs to contact and request that this feature be enabled.
An Enhanced Folder Administrator's abilities include:
- All abilities associated with a Folder Administrator.
- They can change a presentation's author.
- They can edit and delete content (Please see the notes below for more information).
- There is no additional cost associated with enabling this feature.
- This is a site-wide setting and cannot be enabled for individual folders.
- Enhanced Folder Administrators can only delete, archive, and edit content in folders they have Folder Administrator permissions to.
- Enabling this setting allows all existing Folder Administrators to make changes to the content or delete content which may be permanent.