How to Change/Set the Session Timeout Period

To automatically log users out of their account when their session becomes inactive and exceeds a set time period, Company Administrators can set a Session Timeout.  

To change/set the Session Timeout period:

  1. Navigate to Administration.
  2. Click Company in the menu on the left-hand side, then click General.
  3. Scroll down to Session Timeout and select your desired timeout interval.
    • Session timeouts that a Company Administrator can choose from are:
      • 15 minutes
      • 30 minutes
      • 1 hour (System Default)
      • 2 hours
      • 4 hours
      • 8 hours
      • 12 hours
      • 24 hours
  4. If changes were made, click Save to save your changes.

Note: The Session Timeout period is a company-wide setting. This means that the inactive session timeout will apply to views on all content stored within the site, as well as any area of your company portal while logged in. 

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