How can I find out who made a user inactive?

If you would like to report on who made a user inactive, you will be able to as a Company Administrator or a Learning Administrator. 

To report on who made a user inactive:

  1. Log into your Brainshark account and select the Reporting tab
  2. Click Administration reports from the left-hand menu
  3. Select the report titled Users report
  4. On the Reports Basics page, scroll down to the Output section and select CSV as the output format
  5. Next, click the Report Options tab
  6. Select the option Include inactive users
  7. Select Run report
  8. In the report, you will see that in the last columns on the right, columns AQ and AR, titled LastDeactvatedByApp" and Last DeativiatedByUser. This will show who last deactivated the user.
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