How do I archive a course or curriculum in Learning?

Learning Courses can be archived; however this process is different than general presentations. This can be done by the Learning Author, Learning Administrator or Company Administrator.

To archive a Learning Course:

  1. Select the Learning tab.
  2. Select My Courses & Curriculums from the drop-down menu. 
  3. Locate the course, and  hover your mouse to select the three dots (ellipses) to the right of the line item.
  4. Select Archive Course.
  5. A pop-up window will appear. Confirm the setting adjustment by selecting the second Archive button.


  • At this time curriculums cannot be archived. While we typically would think of a curriculum as its own entity; within Brainshark a 'Curriculum' is rather an organization of the individual standalone courses. The curriculum acts like a string that ties these individual courses together, within a certain order. As the real 'content' are the courses themselves, you would be unable to archive a curriculum.
  • Content currently cannot be archived through the Administration Manage Content page. 

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