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What does the setting "Update ALL existing presentation Guestbook fields" do?

Company Administrators have the ability to create and enable up to 10 custom field labels for use in a presentation's guestbook. If a Company Administrator wishes to change the names of any of these custom fields for all content created in the future, they also have the ability to update these names to all existing presentations in their company portal.

To update all custom fields names:

  1. Click your profile on the top-right, then select Administration.
  2. Click Company on the left side menu to expand the setting options.
  3. Select Presentations > Guestbook.
  4. Enter new text for each textbox under the Custom label column you would like to update.
  5. Scroll down and toggle on the setting Update ALL existing presentation guestbook fields (see below):
    Note: If authors have the ability to edit their own Guestbooks, this will override those changes.
  6. Select Save to store changes moving forward. 


  • This will update only the names/titles of the custom fields already selected by authors to their presentations. This setting will not add these fields to the existing presentations, but the authors will be able to select the Guestbook updated fields manually to their presentations if they need these fields to be added.
  • Choosing to update all existing presentation Guestbook fields will update these settings to existing presentations, however, in order for the updated settings to display to the viewer, you must select each presentation, enter edit mode for the Guestbook, and click Save to apply the new settings.
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