User Profile Update
When accessing the “Edit Profile” page from your Administration menu, you will now see an updated User Profile page. Simply edit any of your personal account information from this menu.
The Brainshark Administration pages have received some major visual updates! You will now find your Administration menu and features located on the left-hand side of the page.
General Company information including Scorecards settings can be found under this menu. Depending on your Company settings, you can update Scorecards permissions for different roles.
You will be able to use the following pages to set company-wide general properties for presentations.
You can use the following page to set company-wide Security settings for your company’s presentations.
Player & Viewer
You can use the following page to enable Guestbook settings for your Company. This page allows you to set and customize different Guestbook fields.
Question Slides
Guest Authoring
Content Download Access
If your Company allows Content Download Access, you will be able to assign and monitor access to the feature within this menu.
Manage Templates
The following pages allow you to set your company-wide settings for email templates. This includes email headers and footers. You can also modify the text that appears when using the default Brainshark certificates.
Email Templates
Certificate Templates
Media Library
Adjust your Company Logo and link! If Background Audio is enabled for your company, you will be able to add background audio files that can be made available to your company authors for inclusion in their presentations.
Company Logo
Background Audio (if enabled)
If your Company has Brainshark Learning, you will be able to use the following pages to manage all company-wide settings for Learning.
Learning Settings
Manage Templates
Content Types

Learning Topics
The following pages allow you to set the preferences for Coaching as well as the Score Criteria for Coaching activities.
Coaching Settings

Score Criteria
Manage company-wide settings for your content. You will be able to definite custom filters for content as well as create tags and build a Knowledge and Skills library.
Manage Content
Knowledge & Skills

Custom Filters
Advanced Options
The Advanced Options menu allows you to set company-wide login and password preferences. Self-registration settings and site access settings can also be found under this menu.
Login and Passwords
Self Registration
Email Templates