Company Administrators can create Self-Registration Templates which can be used as a model for self-registration user accounts in Brainshark. When creating a new template, you set up all of the preferences and permissions necessary to ensure all users created from this template have the appropriate user privileges.
Self-registration streamlines the process of adding new users to your Brainshark site. Rather than adding them manually, or uploading in bulk, you can put the account creation process in the hands of your users, while maintaining control over what permissions each registrant has.
- To enable Self-Registration as a Company Administrator:
- To edit an existing self-registration profile:
- Auto-Create with self-registration (Single Sign ON)
To enable Self-Registration as a Company Administrator:
- Navigate to your Administration tools.
- Click Advanced Options to open it's drop down menu.
- Select Self registration to open it's drop down menu.
- Select Properties (please see below):
- Toggle the Enable self-registration setting to ON.
- (optional) Enable any additional preferences you'd like to apply:
- Require company name for self-registration: use this option if you have more than one Brainshark site at your company or if you require registration for people outside of your company (e.g.: vendors, distributors, partners, and customers).
- Show Self-Registration link on login page: use this option if you want to provide users with the option to self-register from your company's login page. Toggling this setting to ON will add a link for visitors to create a new account using the default self-registration template you selected.
- Domain Restrictions: use this section to enter one or more domains to restrict self-registration to allow or block users from the specified domain(s). For example, you could enter your company’s domain and permit only users coming from this domain to register. These must be fully hosted domain names such as "" or "".
- Click Save in the top right to submit your changes.
Once you enable self-registration, Brainshark will automatically create a new user profile that can be used as your first template:
To edit an existing self-registration profile:
- Navigate to your Administration tools.
- Click Advanced Options to open it's drop down menu.
- Select Self registration to open it's drop down menu.
- Select Properties.
- Scroll to the bottom of this page to the Self Registration Templates section (see below):
- Click the Ellipses button under the Actions column of the self-registration template you'd like to present on your login page (should you decide to enable the Show self registration link on login page preference located above this list), and click Set user profile as default.
- Note: only one self-registration template/link can be displayed on your Brainshark login page at a time.
- Mark the checkbox in the Send 'Welcome' email to new users column to automatically generate an email to new users including a link to your Brainshark site, their username and password, and an introduction to Brainshark.
- Mark the checkbox in the Send registration notification column to receive an email each time a new user self-registers for an account using this template. You will then be notified of the new username that was created as well as the Brainshark URL the account is registered through.
- Give the template a Profile Name in the textbox shown.
- Click Apply once you've made your changes.
- You can also edit any user properties, permissions and roles given to each template by clicking the Actions button next to each template and selecting Edit Profile (see below):
- For more information on how to edit user profiles and assign folder permissions and group memberships, be sure to check out this Training documentation: Manage Users Administration Guide
Your self-registration setup is now complete and you will be able to share the URL or enable the setting to create an account using self-registration.
Auto-Create with self-registration (Single Sign ON)
When enabling the ability to create users automatically using single sign-on, you can also ensure each user is assigned to a specific self-registration profile using the profile name column.
Inputting a profile name allows you to ensure when a user accesses Brainshark with a specific claim, such as job role, they are associated with the matching self-registration profile.
- Example flow: Sally is a Sales Rep, when she accesses Brainshark, her account is associated with the Sales Rep self-registration profile and her account is created with all the necessary groups and folders for all sales representatives
Profile Name |
Please contact Support to enable this feature if you do not see this section on the self-registration page.