How do I create user groups?

Groups are used to grant and manage permissions and/or enrollments for users within a Brainshark company account. Groups assist to expedite updates to a large number of users at the same time. 

Company Administrators will have access to create user groups. If your site has the 'Enhanced Group Manager' setting enabled, Group Managers will also have access to create and add new members to a group.

To create a group:

  1. Select the Administration tab from the top right of the account.
  2.  Select Groups found on the left hand menu.
  3. Select Add Group in the drp down menu. 
  4. Set the Group name, Group description, and apply desired Group Managers.
  5. Select Continue to set the folder permissions for the group.
  6. Select Continue to Set Members.
  7. Check the boxes for desired members, and press Submit to store changes.

Please Note:

  • For a large number of users, Groups can also be created with the Group Bulk Upload form.
  • The 'Manager Group Creation' Administration setting can also automatically create and update. Groups based on their assigned manager within the user profile.
  • Groups can also be pre-determined when creating users with Self Registration templates.

Additional Training

  • Here is a great document that further elaborates on managing Groups.
  • Here is a video training that displays how to create Groups.
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