Bulk Soft Delete Users

Company Administrator and Learning Administrators will be able to use the Bulk Delete feature to delete multiple users at once. The Bulk Delete feature also allows the Learning or Company Administrator to easily allocate the deleted user’s content to another Company Administrator’s account. 


To use the Bulk Delete feature:

  1. From your Administration menu, select Manage Users.
  2. To delete multiple users at the same time, click on the Request Bulk Update button, and select Delete Users from the drop down menu.
  3. Click on the Download template button to download the .CSV file.
  4. Complete the required fields by entering the usernames of the users you wish to delete within the Username field. 
    • NOTE: We recommend limiting your file to 10,000 rows or less.
  5. If reassigning content, include the appropriate username in each ReassignContent field. 
    • To delete all of the user’s content, enter “delete” in the field.
    • If the field is left blank and the user has associated content, an error will be displayed, letting the Company Administrator or Learning Administrator know that a value must be entered.
    • If the user does not have content, no action will be taken and the file will process successfully.
    • NOTE: When reassigning content to another user, the reassigned user MUST be a Company Administrator. 
  6. If reassigning managers, include the appropriate manager’s username in each ReassignMgr field. 
    • To remove manager association, enter “unassign” in the field.
    • If the ReassignMgr field is left empty and there are no manager associations. no action will be taken and the file will process successfully.
    • If the ReassignMgr field is left empty and there are manager associations, an error will be displayed, letting the Company Administrator or Learning Administrator  know that a value must be entered.
  7. Once you are finished entering the usernames into the file, upload the completed .csv by clicking the Upload .csv button below. 
    • NOTE: Deleted content CANNOT be restored.
  8. If you filled the .csv out properly, you will now see the users have been deleted from the list. 
    • NOTE: Deleted users will NOT be able to log into Brainshark. However, viewing history and user data will still be retained for deleted users.
  9. If there are errors contained within the file, you will see the following error message appear after uploading the .csv file.
  10. Click on the Download error file button to download an error report that will outline the errors that are contained within the file.

     NOTE: Reports will still reflect the status of enrollments tied to deleted users. 


To Manage Deleted Users:

Once processed, all deleted users can be viewed and managed by Company administrators.

  1. From your Administration menu, select Manage Deleted Users.
  2. Select the ellipsis icon under the Action column of the deleted user you wish to manage.
  3. Choose whether you want to select Restore Account and restore the account of the deleted user or select Permanently Delete and permanently delete the deleted user. 
    • NOTE: Once you permanently delete a user, you are unable to restore that user.
    • NOTE: Restoring a user’s account does not restore deleted content.

Deleted Users and Reporting:

Company Administrators and Learning Administrators will be able to report on deleted and permanently deleted users through Reporting.

  1. Click on the Reporting tab.
  2. From the left-hand side of the screen, select Administration under ‘Standard Reports’.
  3. Select the Deleted Users report from the list.
  4. On the Report Basics tab, select the settings for the report you want to run.
  5. Click on the Report Options tab.
  6. Check off whether you wish to include permanently deleted users, deleted users, or both.
  7. Click Run Report.
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