Please find below all product release notes to the Brainshark platform in 2023. If you have any questions, please contact
November 22nd, 2023
- Ability to now export Coaching ActivityDetails as .csv
- Activities-> Curriculum-> Curriculum Breakdown by Course panel
- Added the ability to display the location where the action originates
November 14th, 2023
- Allow the Coach Insight panel to be exported as .csv
- Teams-> Coaches-> Coach Insights
- Ability to export Review Insights/Coach Insights Panel:
- Teams-> Activities-> Reviewer Insights
- Teams-> Coaches-> Coach Insights
October 26th, 2023
- Practice Mode Launch:
October 19th, 2023
- Add the ability to drill down for checklists items names
- Add the Three checklists metrics GA
- Bug fixes
October 3rd, 2023
Modern Authoring
- Open Beta launch for new authoring see video for more details:
- Bug fixes
September 26th, 2023
- Support of files up to 2 GB for Download SCORM
- Bug Fixes launched throughout all of September
September 7th, 2023
Modern Authoring
- Customer Beta Updates
- Bug Fixes
August 31st, 2023
Modern Authoring
- Customer Beta Updates
- SCORM Upload/Replace workflow
- Reliable support for SCORM files up to 2gb.
- Updated language in Site for max file upload bit.
- New workflow only requires user to remain on screen until upload is complete (quick turnaround). Then an email will be sent, with link, to content when conversion is complete (time can take up to 8 minutes-depends on file size). User can also view the content in My C&C when conversion is complete without accessing email.
August 24th, 2023
- General Bug Fixes
August 17th, 2023
- General Bug Fixes
August 10th, 2023
- Skills - Customer Beta Updates
- General Bug Fixes
July 25th, 2023
Modern Authoring
- Customer Beta Updates
- General Bug Fixes
June 29th, 2023
- Ability to hide Enrollments tab for non-learning accounts.
- Ability to hide learning and coaching roles based on package type.
- Resolved issue with Curriculum and Courses panel not honoring the date range set.
- Resolved issue with "Assigned Event" metric in Enrollments by panel not showing student's session date.
- Resolved issue with Snapshot panels overlapping.
- Resolved issue with Assessment Data being available for courses only with survey questions.
June 13th, 2023
- Added User ID back into User Profile.
June 8th, 2023
- Added SSO Identifier to User Profile.
- Modified "Add User" workflow to better reflect SSO/Mixed mode customers.
- Updated Administration Homepage:
- Admin "Manage" link to only include Cadmins and Ladmins.
- Admins can still filter by Fadmins but there is now consistency in the numbers shown vs filtered view of users.
June 6th, 2023
- Updated Manager/Coach name fields on the User Profile as read only.
- Changed Bulk Edit User menu "Account" label to read now as "Status"
- Bug Fixes:
- Resolved password is invalid error when complex passwords are enabled.
- Resolved Cadmin being unable to enroll users in curriculums with limited enrollments.
- Resolved the blank that was showing for Bulk Edit User "Access" tab.
- Resolved the inability to add group association for inactive users.
June 1st, 2023
- Advanced Feedback now enabled for existing activities.
UI Updates:
- On the Create Activity Page:
- Save changed to Save/Send.
- Additionally, a tooltip has been added saying, "Send will only send to new participants/reviewers."
- The participants names are now in alphabetical order.
- Save changed to Save/Send.
- On the Dashboard Page, you can only show filters that have more then 1 result.
- On the Feedback Page, you can now keep reviews visible during editing.
- A Sticky Search has been added to the dashboard page.
- Updated Reviewer Status Bar in the dashboard.
- For Leaderboards, you can now select multiple criteria for displays.
- Added disablement feature so submission videos can not be downloaded.
- On the Create Activity Page:
May 22nd, 2023
User profile
- Implemented tab structure.
- Split out roles and privileges from profile tab.
- Updated workflows for each tab and manage users page action menu options to reflect structure.
Delete User workflows
- New and improved delete user UI/UX with the addition of a Coach deletion workflow.
Quick add user
- Ability to quickly add multiple users and easily distinguish users created via this feature on manage users including filter option.
- Added the ability to assign roles and privileges in bulk to these users.
Folder permissions
- New folder structure with the ability to drill down on parent folders(bold titles are clickable) as well as the ability to use search and breadcrumbs to easily find folders.
- Streamlined the permission assignment process with the ability to add/replace permissions with one selection, and the option to apply the same level of permissions as parent folder to all direct child folders.
May 15th, 2023
Brainshark Salesforce Package v5.19 - Available Here
- Adds custom metadata types for global and user level settings.
- Updates necessary apex and lightning components to read/write to the custom metadata types
- Includes functionality to continue to read existing custom settings if there is not custom metadata, but instead of saving to the existing custom settings, save it to the new custom metadata. If a record is moved from custom settings to custom metadata, the existing custom setting will be deleted from the system.
May 10th
Brainshark Coaching
- Reviewer Updates
- Now supports hyperlinks in reviews
- Setting added to see other reviews for all users - located on the Create Activity Page
- Setting added to hide Leaderboard before a user submits.
- Located under the Leaderboard Section in the Create Activity Page
- Head Coach / Admin can now hide activities on the All Activities Tab
- UI Updates
- Dashboard Page
- Only shows filters that have results.
- Extended Feedback Categories character limit to 256.
- Status is now clickable.
- Leaderboard is visible on the Activity Review tab.
- Tooltip for support add to Leaderboard
- Feedback Page:
- Now able to see reviews while editing.
- Updated View to Leaderboard next to button
- Create Activity Page
- Tooltip for support added for Advanced Feedback and Priority Toggle
- Dashboard Page
May 9th
- Bug Fixes
- Resolved the View Submissions issue where Role User was unable to see the video.
- Resolved the View Submissions where playback speed was missing.
- Resolved Group Comparison -> Group Bubble not showing properly.
- Resolved the Scorecards Manage Layouts page, the number listed for Visible to was not correct.
May 2nd
- Bug Fix
- Resolved the Scorecards Coach Insight Panel doesn't filter by "Submission Date."
April 27th
- Bug Fixes
- Resolved in Snapshot search, all folders were not always available
- Indicate where a metric is used currently.
April 25th
- Enhancements
- Display Skills in a Panel
- Create custom metrics takes 15 min to complete.
- Indicate on what screen a metric can be based on
April 24th
- Coaching - Vibes
- Vibes tab will show for all existing/future Advanced feedback enabled Coaching Activities
April 18th
- Enhancements
- Ability to delete orphaned/empty folders in Snapshots.
- Add the ability to sort and filter on folders inside the snapshot dashboard.
- Ability to delete orphaned/empty folders in Snapshots.
April 6th
- Bug Fix
- Resolved View Scorecards button in Coaching dashboard leading to 404 error
April 4th
- Bug Fix
- Resolved creating a new panel with bubble, time series, and summary charts was not working on home page
March 30th
- Administration - Archived content is now included in the "All" status filter.
- Enhancements
- Speed performance boosted across all customers.
- Launched custom metrics: Reporting table “User by Activity”, Display names “User” & “Title”
- Updated grid order in scheduled snapshot dashboard and will now show most recent date on top
March 29th
- Create Activity - UI update for Create Activity Page
- Bulk Restore Users
- Ability for a Cadmin to restore one or more previously soft deleted user accounts on the Manage deleted users page
- Bulk Soft Delete Users
March 16th
- Add a date filter to Reviewer Insights so the user can view by enrollment date or submission date
- Snapshots - csv from panel, snapshot from layout, time zone added, optimized UI and fixed several issues with grid display.
March 15th
- Modern Authoring Beta Wave 1
- Wave 1 customers went live with the modern authoring beta.
- Mobile App Share Improvement
- In the mobile app we are updating the Share feature to access Android and Apple native share options, expanding options beyond email.
- Multi Select Permanent Delete
- Ability to permanently delete up to 50 previously soft deleted users with a single reason for deletion selection. Please note that the page currently displays up to 100 users, so CAdmin should limit the items per page to 25 or 50 in order to use the select all option.
- How To Permanently Delete Users
- How to Bulk Delete Users - Permanently
March 14th
- Add CSV Option to Snapshot Assets Per Panel
March 2nd
- Customer Outreach - Making required courses in a curriculum more visible - Display (Optional).
February 28th
- Make Coaching Activity Details panel columns sortable
Bug Fixes
- User cannot go to Activities->courses Brainshark model client
February 23rd
- Create and expose as available All presentations metric for calendar
Bug Fixes
- Users grid type panel not showing all members of group when using metrics with empty values
- Snapshot of Curriculum Breakdown by Course panel only showing one curriculum
February 14th
- Bigtincan's Advanced Feedback has now been released within Coaching. - Help Article
- Advanced Feedback provides presenters with a detailed analysis of their speech.
- With an easy-to-understand Vocal Delivery Score, Advanced Feedback helps to proactively fill and identify competency gaps for stronger buyer engagements.
- Automated Feedback (Machine Analysis) will need to be enabled in order to use Advanced Feedback.
- Added the ability to allow Snapshots to be sent out to non-Brainshark users.
Due dates have now been added to the inside of the Calendar panel.
- You will now be able to filter by Activities Due, Courses due, and Curriculums due.
- Default Landing Pages and Layouts can now be set by Company Administrators.
- Through the Settings menu, Company Administrators can now assign a default landing page and layout to Users before the user's first login.
- Added the ability to export the Curriculum Breakdown by Course Panel as a .CSV file.
- Through the Settings menu, Company Administrators can now assign a default landing page and layout to Users before the user's first login.
January 24th
- Updates to the Administration User Interface have now been released. - Help Article
- You will now find your Administration menu and features located on the left-hand side of the page.
- When accessing the “Edit Profile” page from your Administration menu, you will now see an updated User Profile page.
January 17th
- Group Panels are now available on the Scorecards homepage.
- In the Calendar panel, the actual users per single square can now be displayed.
January 5th
- Administrators now have the ability to export Team Groups as a .CSV file while on the Groups page.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the 401 error message that Company Administrators would see when logging into Scorecards.
- Fixed the error message that would appear after editing conditions for the Story Shared metric.
Release notes for 2022 can be found here: 2022 Brainshark Product Release Notes