Brainshark AICC Support in Outside Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Typically a Learning Management System (LMS) will already have the functionality to create AICC Courses using external content. If they do then the LMS admin will only need to create an AICC course and then point it to the Brainshark Presentation URL.   

If the LMS cannot already create AICC course unless it is uploaded as a .zip file then below information is needed:

  • The Brainshark application platform has been designed for easy integration with most LMSs including those that are AICC compliant. 
  • All AICC commands are sent from our servers to the LMS server via HACP (Hypertext AICC Communication Protocol) over HTTP 1.0. 
  • Because all communication is server-to-server, there are no cross-domain issues such as those often encountered with client-side browser-based implementations.
  • AICC requires four Course Description Files. These ‘text files’ are created manually and their content is based upon information contained within the Brainshark presentation. Once created, these files should be given to the LMS administrator for import into the LMS.
  • The naming convention for the Course Description Files is:
    •     {course_name}.{au, crs, cst, des} 

AU File

This file contains data needed to launch each assignable unit of the course

CRS File

This file contains information about the entire course, including text descriptions.

CST File

This file contains data about the structure of the course. It includes all the assignable units and blocks in the course.

DES File


The attached ZIP AICCcourse is Sample AICC Package that will work in Brainshark's Learning Environment. You can save and modify the URL in the AU file for your own testing. 


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