Apex Test Class errors in Salesforce


These errors usually will appear when trying to deploy from a sandbox to production or to another sandbox.  Salesforce has a set of tests that are required to be done before the deployment is allowed.





line -1, column -1: Previous load of class failed: BRNSHRK.BaseBrainsharkComponentController: line 194, column 16: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:


BRNSHRK.SendEmailController: line 848, column 50: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:






When this type of error is received in SFDC during testing in a Salesforce instance it usually means that there were changes made to an object and recompilation is needed.  The SFDC Admin reporting the issue should be able to do this or can contact Salesforce Support for instructions for recompiling




If recompiling does not resolve the issue please contact support@bigtincan.com so we can research what may be causing the issue.

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