How To Permanently Delete Users

Company Administrators have the ability to permanently delete a user after they have been deleted. Permanent deletion is an extra step for situations where the organization also needs to remove the user's personal information, such as per GDPR regulations. Once the user has been permanently deleted, the account is unrecoverable. 

CAdmins now have the ability to permanently delete up to 50 previously soft deleted users with a single reason for deletion selection.

Note: This page currently displays up to 100 users, so CAdmin should limit the items per page to 25 or 50 in order to use the select all option. 


Permanently Delete a user:

  1. Navigate to your Administration tools
  2. On the left hand side you will open up users and select Manage Deleted Users:
  3. Search for the user you'd like to permanently delete and select the check box next to their name/s. If selecting multiple users, group the ones you are selecting based on the reason they will be deleted. 
    • Example: if you have 50 users and 25 of them are getting deleted due to company policy, select those people together then move on to the next step.  
  4. In the top right you can select the Trash Bin Icon. Select a group of users based off one reason
    • Note: The Request Bulk Delete button will prompt you to download a CSV template and re-upload it. This is when deleting more then 50 users at a time for multiple reasons.
  5. Choose a reason for deletion (if needed) and click Submit:Screenshot_2023-04-07_at_1.26.51_PM.png

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