What is blanket permission to impersonate?

Brainshark Support are unable to access company accounts without prior express e-mail permission from an account holder, or a Company Administrator.  

To expedite troubleshooting and alleviate user inquires, Brainshark may request annual Blanket permission to impersonate the account from an active Company Administrator. This would permit Support to enter the account and see it as 'you' or your end users, without the need for a password.


To grant blanket permission:

  1. E-mail Support@bigtincan.com advising that Brainshark Support may have blanket permission to impersonate. 


Please Note:

  • Blanket permission can only be granted by a Company Administrator. This permission would also apply to end user accounts. This would not apply to accessing other Company Administrator's accounts however. 
  • Support will not require access to your password for this. Please do not forward your password to Support. 
  • This permission must directly come from the e-mail address that is currently associated with the account. 
  • If your company site has only opted for access to Brainshark with internal single sign on credentials, Support would be unable to access any end user accounts; only Company Administrator profiles.
  • Support is unable to process any changes to content, settings, or user profiles while impersonating.
  • This permission is applicable for one year after the approval date, and would be requested annually.

Additional Training

How do I add a secondary e-mail address to a user account?



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