Error Message: Only Salesforce administrators may access this page

If you are receiving this error message, it indicates that you do not have the correct permission in your profile. You must be a Salesforce Administrator, and the permissions on your custom Brainshark setup tab must be set to ON.


To change your permissions, log into Salesforce, go to Set up, manage users, Profile, Tab settings, Custom tab settings, Brainshark Set Up, and set to Default On.


It could also be an issue with SFDC configuration.
If you go to Administration Setup --> Security Controls --> Session Settings you need to make sure that "lock sessions to the IP address from which they originated" is not checked. 


Finally, it may be due to a server address issue - Salesforce adds new servers and Brainshark must include that server on the list of servers the application can access.  Contact with the Salesforce address from the address bar to verify that the server ID is on our list.

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