How to Effectively Designate Company Administrators

A company may designate as many Brainshark administrators as they find necessary.

To more effectively assign Company Administrators:

  • We recommend designating a Primary and a Secondary Company Administrator who will act as the key contacts regarding your Brainshark site. 
  • We also recommend any new Company Administrators complete our certification curriculum found on our Help and Training site.

*Note: For security purposes:

  • Brainshark does not have access to customer sites, so all administrative details must be handled by the company administrator, including creating additional company administrators.
  • Brainshark does not share customer contact information with those outside your company without written permission. For this reason, Support will notify the Primary Company Administrator when any customer inquiries require an administrator's response.
  • If you would like for Support to provide the administrator's contact information directly to your end users, simply approving of this action and providing the email address and/or phone number for users to contact.
  • If there is to be a change in your primary company administrator, an existing administrator should first ensure that the new administrator has the correct permissions. Then, notify Bigtincan support so the contact information can be updated.

*Note: We recommend setting up a distribution email list for all of your administrators. That way if one individual is out of the office, another will be able to reply and assist your user. 



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