How to Create a Coaching Activity with Automated Feedback

Automated feedback  (formerly known as Machine Analysis) can be enabled when creating a coaching activity. Users who have the permissions to 1) create Coaching Activities and 2) create Coaching Activities with Advanced Feedback will be able to enable this option when creating a coaching activity.


To create a Coaching Activity with Automated Feedback:

  1. Navigate to the Coaching tab.
  2. Select the Create button located at the top right of your page.
  3. Select Coaching Activity.
  4. Select Automated Feedback from the top menu options.
  5. Click the toggle toward the top right to enable automated feedback
  6. Coaching activity creators may also decide to enable Advanced Feedback via the additional toggle that populates below.
  7. Select the language.
  8. Activity creators may decide to enable Advanced Feedback via the toggle below the language selections.
  9. Enter any Topic phrases you would like the participants to include or avoid.
  10. Enter any Metrics you wish to enable:
    • Rate of speech
    • Number of retries allowed
    • Filler words percentage.
    • Set duration. 
    • Grade level.
  11. Set any other settings under the other top tabs. 
  12. Press Save to store changes moving forward. 



  • If you do not see this feature, you will need to contact your company administrator. This is an add-on to the Brainshark for Coaching and must be turned on at the company site level, and additionally enabled within the creator's user profile.
  • Automated Feedback must be enabled before anyone is invited to participate in an activity.  
  • There is no additional cost when enabling Automated Feedback for your company's Brainshark Site.


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