How do I run a Viewing Details by Presentation report?

Company Administrators, Folder Administrators, or Content Authors may need to verify if viewers have met the set completion criteria for a presentation or course. The Viewing Details by Presentation report is a great option for this! This report also contains various optional fields that can be added or removed from the report output. 


To run the 'View Details by Presentation' report:

  1. Click the Reporting tab toward the top of the Brainshark account. 
  2. Navigate to the Standard Reports section on the left side of the page, and select Content.
  3.  Search for the report titled Viewing Details by Presentation, and click the Edit option.
  4. Proceed to fill out the report settings from top to bottom.
  5. Under the Report Contents section, either click the All Presentations in Folder bubble to report on all content within a particular folder, or select the Presentations bubble to search for a particular presentation. If searching for a specific presentation, select the Find button to search by title or ID number. 
  6. Review the section labeled When to Run and select Now. This field will also populate a drop down menu with additional options to schedule the report to send out regularly, or to save this as a Template that you could run at a later time. 
  7. Proceed to review to the Dates section, and select a date ranges of the data you would like to populate on the report.
  8. Scroll down the page to the Output section and select the file format. The report can populate in .CSV, .PDF, HTML, or XML format.
  9. Select either the On-screen only option, or the Email to option.
  10. Scroll back to the top of the page and click the Report Options tab. On this page you can add or remove fields from the report, or apply pre-set sorting options. 
  11. Click Run Report located in the upper right corner of the page. The report will either download on that page (On-screen only) or be sent to the email entered under 'Output' in the Email to section.



  • If the report data is too large you may need to break this into smaller reports, by adjusting the date ranges. 
  • We typically recommend to run this report in .CSV format as this provides great flexibility with sorting and filtering the data. 
  • We especially recommend to add the field 'View is Completed' into the report options. This field will help to determine if a user has met all three levels of completion criteria enabled on a presentation.
  • You may need to add Guestbook fields to this report.
  • Slide 13 of the video training 'Measure Results with Brainshark Reports'  in the relevant videos section below will display how to add and remove the optional fields with this report. 
  • If you apply Filters under the Filters tab, these are character specific. In some cases if a set filter is one character off this can generate blank reports. 

Additional Trainings 

How do I schedule a report? 

Measure Results with Brainshark Reports 

What do the Viewing Details by Presentation filter columns mean? 

'Time Listened' column on Learning and Content reports

Reporting Fields 

Brainshark Reporting Guide

Where to find Guestbook data in a report



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