Curriculums in Brainshark allow authors to group their like courses together and establish whether the viewing order is prescribed or random format.
To create a curriculum in Learning, permissions will need to be granted to you by a Company Administrator. Once you have authoring rights to Brainshark and have created all the courses, follow the steps below to Create a Curriculum.
To create a Curriculum:
- Navigate to the Learning tab
- Select Authoring
- In the drop-down menu, click Create Curriculum
- On the curriculum properties tab, enter the name and choose a folder
- Fill out the rest field of the Curriculum properties tab:
- Description: You can include an overview of the courses and curriculum requirements.
- Open: Students will be able to self-enroll from the course catalog.
- Limited: Students can be enrolled by Learning Author, Learning Manager, Learning Administrator, or Company Administrator.
- Enrollment Expiration/ Due Date: enter the time frame if the students must complete the curriculum within a certain period of time. Please refer to this article for more details: What is the difference between the Enrollment expiration and Due dates in the course/ curriculum Information Tab?
Duration Times: Once the courses are added, these fields automatically populate based on the curriculum's cumulative total of the courses' times. If the curriculum contains both required and optional courses, the Required Duration shows the time to meet the curriculum requirements, and the Total Duration reflects all the courses' times.
NOTE: The Duration Times must be set for each course on their respective Course Information screens; otherwise, the duration will be zero. - Dynamic Curriculum: If new courses are added to the Dynamic Curriculum, the student status will reset to "Incomplete" even if that student had previously completed the curriculum. Please refer for more details to this article: What is the expected behavior and workflow of courses added to dynamic curriculums?
- Click the Courses tab, then click Add Courses. A separate search page will open where you can search via folder, course ID, or course title
- Check the box next to the titles of the courses to add, and click Submit.
- Once all courses are added, you can reorder them, if necessary, using the up/down arrows or drag and drop.
- Once the courses are in order, you can establish prerequisites, if there are any.
- If you wish to add module titles, click add Module Title, enter the name and click Add. Repeat the process to add additional module titles.
*Note: Module titles do not display in Learning reports - After the courses are added, select the Certification tab and select the appropriate settings:
- Display Certificate in Learning Locker: select yes if you would like the student to access them in their Learning Locker
- Email Certificate: select whether or not you want Brainshark to email the certificate to the students and their Group Managers. And select the certificate.
- Auto-Enrollment: Brainshark can automatically enroll students in the curriculum or course based on their completion or enrollment in another curriculum or course. Please refer to this article for more details: What is 'Auto Enrollment'?
- Click Submit.
- After you create a curriculum, the thumbnail Image will be the first course in the curriculum. But you can change it by clicking Change Thumbnail Image
- When creating a curriculum, keep in mind that all courses are "required" by default. If you uncheck the box making the course optional, the students only have to complete the required courses to meet the curriculum's completion criteria
Additional Trainings
Create a Curriculum - Brainshark Training
How To Make Bulk Changes to Courses and Curriculums
Group Enrollments: Enrolling current and future members vs. current members only
What is the expected behavior and workflow of courses added to dynamic curriculums?
How can I automatically enroll students into Courses or Curriculums?
How to Add a Custom Certificate to your Brainshark Site