How do I update the Content Author image, name and title on a presentation?

Content Authors, Company Administrators, and Folder Administrators (with content editing privileges) can update the author image, author name, and title on a presentation.


To update the Content Author's image, name, and title on a presentation:

  1. In My Content, enter the Edit mode of a presentation
  2. Select My Media Library from the Things you can do menu
  3. Under the Photos tab, click Add Photo to add your new image
  4. Once the image is loaded, enter the Presenter Name and Presenter Title or leave blank if desired
  5. Click the Apply button.
  6. Continue to remain in the Edit mode of the presentation and click Manage Slides from the Things you can do menu.
  7. For Slide Number 1, click Edit (pencil icon).
  8. In the Slide properties tab, under Author select the radio dial for Use image library.
  9. In the dropdown, select the desired image.
  10. To apply the Author image to all slides of the presentation, check the setting Apply author to all remaining slides.  Note: leaving this unchecked will apply the image only to the selected slide.
  11. Click the Save or Apply.

Additional Training

How to Enable the Image Library for Your Authors


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