How do I add a slide image to a Podcast?

Podcast presentations are created with a default podcast background. Content authors and Administrators are able to use the Merge Content feature to apply slide images to podcast presentations.


In order to apply a slide image to a podcast presentation:

  1. Find the podcast presentation and click Edit.
  2. Click Merge Content from the Things You can do menu.
  3. Click the Search for presentation button to select the presentation from which you will be merging the image, if needed, you can upload a new presentation with the desired image.
  4. Click the slide with the image you want on the left side, and on the right side, click the podcast slide. 
  5. From the Replace menu in the middle of the screen, click Image.
  6. Click on the SUBMIT button at the bottom right of the screen to save the changes.
  7. A pop up box appears to advise of change. Click OK to confirm the changes or Cancel to cancel any changes.


Additional Trainings

How to create a Podcast from my presentation

Merging Content

How to Merge Content Training Video

How to copy a presentation


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