How do I gather a Gong call URL link?

Brainshark now supports integration with Gong calls as URL slides or Coaching activities. This will require the specified Gong call URL link.

There are two options for gathering the Gong call link. The author can collect the whole call or a snippet of a call.

To gather a snippet of a Gong call:

  1. Navigate to the specific Gong call
  2. Click Transcript, toward the bottom right of the page 
  3. Click and drag the text to highlight the specific portion of the call you wish to embed
  4. Click Share on the floating menu that appears (see screenshot below)
  5. Click Embed call from the drop-down menu mceclip0.png
  6. A small pop-up window will launch. Select Copy URL under the ‘Copy Code’ buttonmceclip1.png


To embed a complete Gong call:

  1. Navigate to the specific Gong call
  2. Click the Share Call dropdown at the top of the page
  3. Select Embed Call  from the drop-down menu A small pop up widow will launchmceclip2.png
  4. A small pop-up window will launch. Select Copy URL under the Copy Code buttonmceclip1.png


Please Note:

  • If the student is not already logged into Gong in their web browser, they will be prompted to log in while viewing the Gong URL slide
  • Users can use the Gong controls on the Gong URL slide to search within the call, pause or rewind the playback, and switch from video to transcript view.

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