Brainshark for Outlook enables you to share Brainshark content with your email recipients, right from within your message screen.
Download and install Brainshark for Outlook. If you’re using Office 365, follow the steps for the OFFICE 365 ADD-IN. For Windows PCs running another version of Office, install the OFFICE PLUG-IN.
If you’re using Microsoft OFFICE 365, follow these steps for the Office 365 Add-in:
- Visit this URL, right-click anywhere on the page, and click Save as... to save an XML file to your device:
- You can also download the XML file attached to this help article
- Visit this URL:
- Sign in with Office 365 username and password if prompted
- Select My add-ins
- In the Custom Addins section, select Add a custom add-in, then choose Add from file
- Browse for the file downloaded through Step 1, and click Open
- Click Install in the window that appears
You have now added the add-in for Outlook which can be found in your Custom Addins section. Next you'll need to activate the Add-in
If you’re using Microsoft Office (2016) or another version of Office, follow these steps for the Office Plug-in:
- Visit this URL to access the Installer: Link to 32bit or 64bit local client install
- Select the Outlook version for your PC:
- 64-bit for Office 2016
- 32-bit for other versions of Office
*Note: The Outlook version is independent of the Operating System. A 32-bit version of Outlook can be installed on a 64-bit system, but a 64-bit version of Outlook cannot be installed on a 32-bit version of Windows.
- Save the selected file to your computer
- Locate the saved file on your computer, and double-click the name to start the installation
- Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
Activating Brainshark for Outlook
- Open a new email message and click the “BNSK Insert Content” tab to display the Brainshark panel.
- Choose one: “Connect Using Salesforce” or “Connect Using Brainshark"
Follow these steps to Connect Using Salesforce:
- Click “Connect Using Salesforce”
- Enter your credentials
- The first time you connect you’ll be prompted to allow access. Click “Allow”
- You’re now connected to your Salesforce account. In the Brainshark panel, click “Browse all available content”
- Use the drop-down menus to find and filter the content to send
Follow these steps to Connect Using Brainshark:
- Click “Connect Using Brainshark”
- Select I Need a Key or I Have a Key
If you click “I NEED A KEY”
- Enter your email address
- Click Request Key
- You will receive an email with the activation code. Highlight and copy the entire activation code text string
- The Activation key can also be found when you’re logged into Brainshark by clicking your name > Edit Profile
- Scroll to the bottom and expand Outlook Activation Code - your code can be found here:
If you click “I HAVE A KEY.”
- Once you have the activation code, paste the entire activation code text string in the box in Outlook
- Click Activate
- You’re now logged into your Brainshark Account
After entering your activation key, use the drop-down menus to find and filter the content to send.
Check out this Quick Tip tutorial that goes over Brainshark for Outlook