How do I remove a video from Manage Video Sync?

As an author, you may want to delete a video in your content that was added through the Manage Video Sync feature. 

To remove a video from Mange Video Sync:

  1. Navigate to the Edit mode of your presentation and select Classic Authoring.
  2. Select Manage Video Sync from the "Things you can do" panel on the left
  3. Click the Delete Narration button below your video on the right side of the screen
  4. You will see a pop-up stating that this deletion cannot be undone, and you can select Delete again. This will only delete the video synced with your presentation:
  5. Click Save at the bottom of the page

Additional Trainings 

Use Video Sync - Brainshark Training

How do I add a video to Manage Video Sync?

Adding video files to my presentation in Classic

Adding video files to my presentation in Modern




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