How do I add and remove content from the Favorites tab?

As an viewer, you have the ability to add content from the Content Portal tab to the Favorites tab in your account. 

To add a presentation to your favorite's tab:

  1. Select the Content tab.
  2. Locate the content you want to add in the Content portal.
  3. Hover over the thumbnail image and select the Star icon (see screenshot below)

  4. In the pop up box, you can select any list you'd like to add the content to.
    • You can add it to multiple lists by selecting each list name
    • You can add it to a new list by entering the name of your new list and selecting create
    • You can add it to the favorites list by not selecting any additional list
  5. Once you have the lists selected, you can click the X in the top right corner of this box.

To remove a presentation from the Favorites tab:

  1. Navigate to the Favorites tab in your account
  2. Hover over the thumbnail image and select the Star icon
  3. You will now see a pop up box with the all the available lists. If the name of the list is bold, the content is currently on that list.  Clicking on any of the bolded lists will remove the content from that list (see screenshot below)mceclip0.png



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