GenieAI™ and Multiple Languages

GenieAI capabilities like Genie Assistant and SearchAI support multiple languages right out of the box — making it easy for users to interact with Bigtincan's generative AI capabilities in their preferred language.

As with most language models, GenieAI can typically identify the language used in a message, even when multiple languages are present. GenieAI will generally respond in the main language of the user's input.

Here's what you need to know

  1. Automatic language detection: The GenieAI™ understands and responds in the language you use for your query.
  2. Consistent language use: GenieAI™ returns answers and maintains conversation in the language you started with, unless instructed otherwise.
  3. Language switching: To get answers in a different language, simply add "answer in [desired language]" to your question in SearchAI or prompt in Genie Assistant.
  4. Translation capabilities: The GenieAI™ can translate responses between languages as needed.
  5. No additional setup required: You don't need to adjust any settings or preferences to use different languages.

This multilingual support ensures that Bigtincan's global user base can easily access information and insights in their preferred language, enhancing the overall user experience and efficiency of our product.
Language Example.png

Language and Translation Considerations

  1. It's not all magic; there are some edge cases to consider:
    1. Example: When all content is in English and a user asks a question in French, vector search is unlikely to match the French question to the relevant English answer.
  2. General Guidance:
    1. AI translations, while generally accurate, may not capture nuances or context-specific meanings with 100% reliability.
    1. While our GenieAI™ provides translation capabilities, we recommend having a fluent speaker verify any translated outputs for critical communications or decision-making purposes.

Bugs and Known Issues

  1. When users enter very short queries (one or two words) similar to keyword searches, GenieAI may occasionally respond in a language different from the input language.
  2. Non-latin character languages sometimes return broken unicode characters
    1. When users ask questions and append "please respond in <non-latin character language>", GenieAI™ sometimes get broken unicode characters back
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