GenieAI™ Knowledge Scopes: Custom Field Types - Keyword vs Text Explained

Keyword vs Text ExplainedCustom Fields can be used to boost and filter content in Knowledge Scopes in Genie Admin, and they also autocomplete their names and values across Drive, Brainshark (filters), and the Hub (file details), based on the names and values that are in the index.

There are three Custom Field Types (Boolean, Keyword, and Text), and while Keyword and Text seem similar, they have important differences in how they match content.
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Keyword Type

Keyword fields use exact matching on whole values. This means:

  • The field value must match entirely and exactly (case insensitive)
  • Partial matches are not included
  • Best for precise, controlled vocabularies or specific attributes

Example: If you have a Keyword field for "Department" with value "Human Resources", it will only match exactly as "Human Resources" or "human resources". It won't match "HR", or "Human Resource Department".

Text Type

Text fields use contains matching. This means:

  • More traditional "search" within the custom field value
  • Matches full or partial text within the field (case insensitive)
  • More flexible but less precise than Keyword

Example: If you have a Text field for "Product Description" with value "ergonomic chair", it will match content containing "ergonomic", "chair", "ergonomic office chair", etc.

When to Use Each Type

Use Keyword when you need:

  • Exact, controlled matching
  • To avoid partial or unexpected matches
  • Precise filtering or boosting

Use Text when you want:

  • More flexible, broad matching
  • To capture variations or partial matches
  • To search within longer text fields


Best Practices

  • For most filtering and boosting use cases, Keyword is recommended for its precision
  • Use Text for full-text search fields or when you need to match on partial values
  • Consider your data structure and search needs when choosing between Keyword and Text


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Question: I change the name of a custom field, but I am not seeing the change reflected in Genie Admin Knowledge Scopes Autocomplete
    • Answer: If you change the Hub file detail label then the new label will be applied as the indexed documents are updated so either the next time the Hub file or story is changed or when the daily rebuild runs.
      The same thing will occur if you change the name of a custom field in Drive or the name of a Brainshark customer filter.
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