AuthoringAI: Writing Slide Notes

In general, when writing the slide notes that are your script, you should consider AuthoringAI to be similar to a person recording a professional voice over. AuthoringAI will use the context clues, punctuation, and capitalization in your slide notes to interpret the intent behind the script, and the emotion, pauses, and pacing that best correlates to it.

Like you would with a person, you might need to tweak a word or punctuation to get a slightly improved result. Even if you change nothing, each time you generate audio, the reading will be a little different. It is this variability that is part of what makes narration generated by AuthoringAI sound so realistic.


In AuthoringAI, there are a few things you can you can do to influence how the AI interprets your slide notes, including 



In general, to keep it simple, our advice is to use standard punctuation, like commas, semi-colons, en dashes, em dashes, and even hard returns to insert pauses within generated audio. All of those inform the AI of where you want a pause and how significant it should be, with hard returns being the most significant.



If you want a specific duration for a pause, you can use the “break time=” prompt. Copy the line below and try it out.

Hold on a couple of seconds! <break time="2.0s" /> Ok... Yes, I think we should use breaks.

Note: that how the AI reacts will vary by voice. If a voice was trained with "uhs" and "ahs" it might choose to use them in "break time".

Additionally, excessive breaks in a script may yield unpredictable results - use breaks sparingly.



As mentioned above, like a person, the AI interprets the content to determine how to best deliver it with the intended emotion. 

For example, if your script is...

Wow! I have something SO EXCITING to share with you today!!!

You'll hear the results you'd expect.


As mentioned above, each voice may react a little differently. Experiment with capitalization and punctuation to tweak it with a couple of regenerations and you should find a combination that works.



There are no direct controls for pacing. Generally this is a function of the pacing of the voice being used more than anything within the script itself. Choose your narrators accordingly.

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