How do I download a presentation using content download in Classic Authoring?

If your company has the Content Download functionality enabled, Company Administrators can designate users who have access to download content as Mp4 files through the Content Download options. 


To download a presentation for the first time:

  1. Navigate to the Classic Edit mode of the presentation you'd like to download.
  2. Select Content Download option from the Things you can do menu on the left side of the screen.
  3. Select Generate to begin the content download process. The estimated conversion time is the length of the presentation.

  4. mceclip0.png
  5. Once the content is available, you will receive an email with a link back to the Content download page to download your Mp4. You can also navigate back to the Content download page at any time after the conversion is finished to access the file again. 
  6. If you try to access Content Download while the conversion is still in progress, you will see this screen.

To download a presentation again after edits are made:

  1. Navigate to the Classic Edit mode of the presentation you'd like to download.
  2. Select Content Download option from the Things you can do menu on the left side of the screen.
  3. On this page, you will see a message indicating the presentation has been modified since the last time the Mp4 was generated.
    1. Select Download original presentation to access the Mp4 generated prior to the modifications.
    2. Select Generate modified presentation to start a new conversion and access a new Mp4 that includes any recent edits. 


  • Any Mp4 file that is shared is completely separate from Brainshark. There is no way to report on viewing data for an Mp4 file. 
  • Mp4 files are not automatically updated when changed to content are made. If an updated file is needed, a new Mp4 will need to be generated.
  • If you do not have access to the Content Download option in your account, you will need to reach to your Company Administrator to request access. 
  • Closed captions will not be included in the downloaded video file. 


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