How do I download assets from Classic Authoring in Brainshark?

At this time we do not have an available functionality that could download assets from Brainshark in bulk. This would need to be delegated amongst Administrators and Authors within the company account directly. 

In some cases, source uploaded PowerPoint decks or files may be obtained in the edit mode of the presentation, under the Attachments tab.

  1. Locate the desired presentation.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Select Classic Authoring.
  4. Click the Attachments tab toward the top center of the page, in gray.
  5. Click onto the blue file titles to download.

That function to store the source files may be enabled or disabled by administrators at any time however. This function was also created in 2018, so any presentation created before then would not have the source files stored in the edit mode attachments.  Authors or administrators may also delete those attachments in the Edit mode.
If the desired file is not stored in the Edit Mode Attachments tab, the next option would be to download each PowerPoint slide or audio file individually under the Manage Slides screen. 

  1. Locate the desired presentation.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Select Classic Authoring.
  4. Select Manage Slides toward the top left.
    • Select PPT under each slide to download that PowerPoint slide
    • Select Audio, followed by 'Download Audio' to save that slide's audio recording.


If you require MP3 audio files of the complete presentation, we would recommend to Generate a Podcast.


Note: As another option, some clients prefer to use the Content Download function to generate MP4 video files of the presentations. These would be a video recording of the presentation or course from the time it was generated. The MP4 would not carry any interactivity, and would not be connected to any Brainshark reporting. 

If you have any questions please contact and we will be happy to assist!

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