Microsoft Dynamics Add In Installation How To

Items needed before Installation:

  • CRM Administrator settings in Dynamics
  • Dynamics Login
  • Tenant Id for Dynamics
  • Tenant URL for Dynamics 


  1. Start the Dynamics CRM integration by signing into your Bigtincan Hub application. 
  2. You will then navigate to the 9 Dots on the top left side and select the CRM Admin button
  3. You will then click the Add CRM button in the top right hand corner.
  4. You will then select Microsoft Dynamics then hit connect.
  5. You will be prompted to then input the Tenant ID and Tenant URL to connect with Dynamics. 
  6. Once complete, click Connect. 
  7. This will bring you to the Dynamics Login page where you will need to enter your credentials and click Sign In. 
  8. You will then be brought back to the Bigtincan Hub application to finish set up. 
  9. To the right hand side of Microsoft Dynamics you will click the ellipse, and select Configure.
  10. You will now be able to configure your CRM integration as follows:
    • In the Configuration area you are able to toggle on and off different labels and areas to show up within Dynamics. This is broken out into two different sections, Recommendations within Dynamics and Company Content. 
    • To turn off, select the toggle and when it is gray, it will not show up.
    • To customize the Labels, make sure the toggle is on and orange and update the area to the right under the customization column then save to make the new change. 
    • If there is a more complex configuration needed to support your team, please contact your Customer Success Manager or our Support team ( to make the necessary changes.
  1. Under the Content Tab you will be able to select Content Hub and/or Zunos for sources
  2. Under the Recommendations tab, this area will be configured by our Internal team for you based on your requirements.
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