Logging to Microsoft Dynamics Integration Setup

Admin Configuration

  • Bigtincan Account
  • Microsoft Dynamics Account
  • Tenant URL for Microsoft Dynamics 
  1. Start the Dynamics CRM Logging setup by signing into your Bigtincan Hub application as an administrator. 
  2. You will then navigate to the Platform Configurations by clicking on the button located on the bottom of the left navigation bar.

  3. You will then click the CRM Integration button.

  4. Once on the CRM Integration section, you will select the dropdown menu, and select the Microsoft Dynamics option.

  5. Now click on Authenticate button to connect to the Microsoft Dynamics environment that would allow you to perform the rest of the setup.
  6. After clicking on the Authenticate button, You will be prompted to then input the Tenant ID and Tenant URL to connect with Dynamics. Enter the URL and click on Continue button.

  7. This would then take you to your Dynamics login and upon successful login, would ask you to provide consent for Bigtincan app. Once complete, click Connect. If you are using an admin login for Dynamics, then it would also show you an option to provide consent on behalf of the organisation. Click Accept to continue.

  8. You will then be brought back to the Bigtincan Hub application to finish set up. 
  9. You have some additional settings on this page that you can configure as per your liking and once done, click on Save at the top right of the page.
  10. Now the company wide setup is done, and you can proceed with the next part about giving permissions to users, and instructions on how users can connect to Dynamics to start using the app.

Granting permissions to users

  1. Navigate to the Platform Configurations area by clicking on the button located at the bottom of the left navigation bar.

  2. You will then go to Configuration Bundles and select the configuration bundle of your choice.

  3. Once you hit the edit button, square with writing utensil, you will scroll down the page until you get to External Integrations and make sure the check box is on for CRM Integration and save at the top. This enables the CRM integration for the users part to this configuration bundle.

  4. Now the admin setup for the CRM integration is complete. Your users will now be able to see the Dynamics Logging functionality when sending a HubShare.

User Configuration

Each user needs to be signed in to a Dynamics account in Bigtincan Hub before being able to use the CRM logging functionality. Users have a dedicated CRM setting in their user setting where they can manage the CRM connection and also modify some settings.

  1. Sign in to your Bigtincan account.
  2. Click on your avatar on the top right, and click on Settings.

  3. Now click on the CRM option on the left side.

  1. If you are not already logged in, it would show an Authenticate button. Click on the Authenticate button.
  2. Follow the prompts and login to your Dynamics account. It may require your to provide consent to the Bigtincan app (if the admin has not already done so on behalf of the organization).
  3. Once authenticated, you are all set.
  4. You can modify additional settings as per your liking. The settings are automatically saved as you make changes.
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