Courses and Curriculums can be updated in bulk. You can bulk Edit, Copy, Delete, or Upload Completions. These steps can be used for non-bulk changes as well.
To access these options you can go to Learning > My Courses & Curriculums. To complete one of these actions, select the check box next to the course or curriculum title(s) or the box next to the Title header to select all. Above this box are the icons referenced below.
Edit: Select the pencil icon > choose from dropdown menus to update the folder, topic, enrollment type (limited or open), status, or author > Apply.
Copy: Select the paper icon > choose a destination folder from the dropdown menu > Apply.
Delete: Select the trash can icon > Delete.
Upload Completions: Select the upload icon > click Download Template if you have not already filled in the information in a .CSV file > select Upload .CSV > search for the .CSV.