SearchAI QuickStart Guide

SearchAI QuickStart Guide

SearchAI allows reps to search semantically (ie: how they actually talk) in Bigtincan Content, and receive contextual AI-assisted answers, summaries and suggestions.

SearchAI responses reference only the information in your Bigtincan Content, and answers do not draw from the general knowledge of large language models (LLMs) or the Internet.

SearchAI aims to surface answers and more relevant search results, while eliminating the need to rely exclusively exact keyword search matches.

Using SearchAI is as easy as typing a question into the search box in Bigtincan Content.


1. Click on the search icon to navigate to the search page.

Click on the search icon to navigate to the search page.


2. Type a question in the search input box.

Type a question in the search input box.


3. Click the search button to query SearchAI, which will automatically generate an answer, cite sources, and suggest other searches.

Click the search button to query SearchAI, which will automatically generate an answer, cite sources, and suggest other searches.


4. Use "Hide SearchAI results" to collapse the SearchAI area. Click again to expand and reveal the SearchAI interface.

Use "Hide SearchAI results" to collapse the SearchAI area. Click again to expand and reveal the SearchAI interface.


5. Note, when collapsed, SearchAI takes up minimal space on the page, making Bigtincan Content keyword search more prominent.

Note, when collapsed, SearchAI takes up minimal space on the page, making Bigtincan Content keyword search more prominent.


6. You can easily clear your last search by using the X button, then type another question into the text box on the search landing page.

You can easily clear your last search by using the X button, then type another question into the text box on the search landing page.


7. You can easily copy answers to your clipboard with the "Copy" button.

You can easily copy answers to your clipboard with the "Copy" button.


8. Use SearchAI suggestions to try out new searches.

Use SearchAI suggestions to try out new searches.


9. Request a new answer to the same question using the "Regenerate" button.

Request a new answer to the same question using the "Regenerate" button.


10. Click the "Stop generating" button to stop an answer from further generation.

Click the "Stop generating" button to stop an answer from further generation.


11. Open relevant documents that most closely match your question and are used to generate a SearchAI response to your query.

Open relevant documents that most closely match your question and are used to generate a SearchAI response to your query.


12. Share feedback on SearchAI responses by giving answers a Thumbs up.

Share feedback on SearchAI responses by giving answers a Thumbs up.


13. See this Presentation for a narrated walkthrough of SearchAI


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